
Movie #11

Date Released: 2.16.90

Date Watched: ?


I have no clue what to make of this movie. It’s madcap, that’s for sure. Other movies have been made like it--the ones where everything that can go wrong does--and have done a much better job. I can’t go around recommending this movie but it is fine. 

Kirstie Alley and John Larroquette, however, are actually pretty impressive in this mess of a film. I think they both have significant acting chops and I really wish Hollywood had done more with their talents. Each was better known for their TV acting skills and, perhaps, like Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks, they tried to make the leap to the big screen. But unlike Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks, neither was able to do so wholly successfully. A real shame in my opinion. But so much comes down to luck, skill, timing, and factors that are beyond anyone’s control.

Weirdly, the final scene of the movie, with Larroquete’s character smashing the toilet with a sledgehammer, is the only one I remember from the movie. I seem to recall that image showing up in the previews, so maybe I never even saw it. Funny what we remember and why.

Publishing Notes:


The Witches


Loose Canons